Top English Writing Techniques That Make You a Better Writer

Just the way you would wear different kinds of clothing to various types of events, there are different writing methods for different purposes. Writing techniques could seem overwhelming to master initially, but do not fret about it. Read on this write-up by Ms Sonu Goel, Founder, and Director of Cafe Converse, Delhi’s top Institute for learning written English. She shares the different writing styles and tips and tricks to make your writing look different from the rest.

Best English writing skills cafe converse

Know who is your audience

Prior to you begin writing, it is helpful to have a clear view in your mind of who is going to read what you are writing. If you are writing a cover letter while applying for a job you want, you will have a different aim in mind than if you are writing a poem for someone closer to your heart. Those aims are going to reflect in your writing. For a cover letter, you need the writing to be clear, well-oriented, and free of any spelling or grammatical errors. For the poem, grammar is of less essence, but you have to use plenty of imagination to show your loved one how you think of them.

Ms Goel says once you identify your audience, you can begin thinking about what kind of writing is most suitable for you to reach your target. If you are writing for school, the task is easy: Normally, your teacher will instruct you exactly what sort of writing they need you to use. But if you are out of school, it is entirely up to you to find out. Here are some of them.

The four forms of writing methods


Descriptive writing is commonly used in short, creative writing such as poems and lyrics. Some authors insert descriptive segments within their stories. The aim of the descriptive writing form is to make a vivid image in the reader’s mind.

When a person writes in the descriptive style, he uses literary devices to support their images come to life. Some of those are:

Metaphors and similes

When one compares a thing to another totally different thing as a manner of describing it, you are either utilizing a metaphor or a simile.

Using the senses

Using your senses including smell and taste to describe something could be a very powerful technique when you are doing descriptive writing.

Internal rhymes

This neat method lends your writing, a sense of pace and movement without being apparent about it. Internal rhymes are normally challenging to choose out unless you are really searching for them, but they lend your poems and songs a bit something more.


The narrative is a writing method one uses while telling a story. Along with descriptive writing, it is the sort of writing that seems to be the most creative, which is perhaps why several people like it best. When one is being creative, it’s fine to bend the rules slightly, so you do not have to be perfect about grammar (though your writing might seem sloppy if you are not careful). Narrative pieces, such as novels and short stories, generally, include a part of descriptive writing in them. Good narrative writers use several literary devices to make the writing stand out. Here is a list of the most common ones. Here are some of the most common ones:


When one structures entire parts of the sentence for effect, one has created a parallel structure, also termed parallelism.


This is while a series of words begins using the same letter. It’s a top technique if you look to create a dramatic impact. British tabloids love to apply alliteration in their headlines: Alliteration is quite fun to play around with, particularly if you wish your writing to seem over the top.

To write a great narrative thing, one needs to make certain the characters are interesting and believable. You also have to pay close attention to the way your characters talk to others and with themselves. Paying close focus to the characters in your story is very important!


Foreshadowing is an excellent tool to keep the reader engaged. In foreshadowing, you lend your reader a hint that something might happen without giving away any details.


Exposition, also termed expository writing, is a sort of writing used to explain, inform, and describe. If one is writing a book report, the probability is that most of it would be expository writing. Journalism uses this form, as do several essays. Here are some ways to assist you:

Know the distinctness between fact and opinion

It seems obvious, but several people state an opinion and claim it is a fact. This is not measurable. Check your writing for comparatives and words such as more, most, less, least, better, and worse to make sure you are not stating opinions as facts.

Stick to the third person

The third person is when one uses pronouns such as he, she, it, they. If you write “I” in your writing, you are perhaps stating an opinion, which is usually, discouraged in expository writing. If you see “you” in your writing, you may be being too informal.

Save the opinions for argumentative and persuasive writing

Expository writing looks to explain, inform, and describe. It could be difficult to do, but in good expository writing, you have to keep your opinions out of the writing. Act like you are a journalist, reporting on the facts.

Argumentative, persuasive

In argumentative writing, one researches a topic and takes a stance on it. Your work is to convince the reader that your points deserve consideration. In persuasive writing, one also researches a topic and takes a stance on it, but your work is to convince the reader that your stance is right and move them over to your side. While the two forms of writing are a bit different, they have sufficient similarities that the same methods apply to both. Here are some:

Know the fallacies

There are several methods to twist your arguments so that you appear convincing without truly addressing the issue you are supposed to be discussing. Those are logical fallacies. A usual fallacy is the ad hominem attack, where one focuses on an individual who disagrees with you rather than what they are saying.

Utilize facts and emotions

In top persuasive writing, one has to strike the right blend between the data that helps your position and giving examples that strike your readers’ sense of right and wrong. Excessive facts and your writing will seem dull and unappealing. Excessive feeling and you may sound maudlin.

Consider conflicting viewpoints

A good argumentative writer will always consider the arguments of those who conflict with them. It is a top way because it makes the reader feel heard. It also lends your writing more authority because it reflects that you have considered several different perspectives prior to reaching your position. While you write, bear in mind that you will rarely write in only one style. For example, persuasive or argumentative writing needs a certain exposition

Sonu Goel leading English Coach Teacher IELTS coach

Ms Sonu Goel is a professionally acclaimed certified ESL trainer from the British Council having 15 years of strong background for teaching the English language in both online and physical classes. She is dedicated to teaching of English in an interactive and practical way, whereby learners feel enriched with knowledge and experience the language hands-on. She uses creative ideas and aids to let the learning happen as organically and efficiently as possible. Ms Goel has travelled to various European countries and experienced an array of cultures and linguistic skills for the English language.

To learn more about Sonu Goel please visit :

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