Learn English Using Stories: Ways to Use Stories to Improve English Fast

English of often a difficult language to learn for many. However, if one reads or listens to the stories it could be an effective way to learn new words and phrases that later can help you to strengthen your English.

This blog by Ms Sonu Goel, Founder and Director of Café Converse, Delhi’s leading institute for learning spoken English shares ways to use stories to improve English fast.

How to Learn English Using Stories

Let us define a story. It is either real, or fictitious, having prose or verse, made to interest, amaze, or instruct the listener or reader; tale. There are two major kinds of stories, fiction, and non-fiction. Fiction is made on imagination and non-fiction on reality.

When a person tells you a story that is sad, you feel sad. If they tell you a happy one, you feel happy. And when you are emotionally engaged, you remember things a lot more easily. With all that in mind, let us get into some tips that will assist you learn English through reading or listening to stories.

Get yourself an Audiobook

Listening to English will greatly improve your ability to have conversations. Also, if you read and listen to stories at the same moment, you will learn how to pronounce words in English and sentences.

You can listen to the audiobook wherever you travel. And most learners do not listen to enough English.

Find Interesting Books

Find stories that interest you. A good storybook will open you up to a new language and you will want to read more.

Also, learning the kind of English that you are going to use in conversations is smart. Let’s say you love talking about movies; therefore, you try to listen to podcasts about movies in English. That way, you know the vocabulary needed to talk about this subject.

There is no need to read something that you do not find interesting.

Do not Make it too Hard

If the language is too difficult, you would not be able to learn much English. It is not enjoyable reading something that is too hard. Therefore, find books that suit you and your level of proficiency.

Join a Book Club

Join others who are learning English and talk about certain books. This will assist you better understand what you are reading and you will get more practice speaking in English.

It will also hold you responsible to actually read the book. It is embarrassing attending a book club and telling people that you have not read the chosen book.

Stories are all Around

One can read or listen to stories in plenty of places. Watch movies. Listen to one of the podcasts that focus on storytelling. Ted.com is a good place too. Check out several lessons online that give you English listening practice. You can also find several stories while surfing the internet as well.

Sonu Goel leading English Coach Teacher IELTS coach

Ms Sonu Goel is a professionally acclaimed certified ESL trainer from the British Council having 15 years of strong background for teaching the English language in both online and physical classes. She is dedicated to teaching of English in an interactive and practical way, whereby learners feel enriched with knowledge and experience the language hands-on. She uses creative ideas and aids to let the learning happen as organically and efficiently as possible. Ms Goel has travelled to various European countries and experienced an array of cultures and linguistic skills for the English language.

To learn more about Sonu Goel please visit : https://cafeconverse.com/best-english-tutor-coach-teacher-sonu-goel.html

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