Are You Afraid of English? Fun and Easy Ways to Learn English

Learning English could be hard work, particularly, if it is not your native language. It can become frustrating and boring, specifically, if you don’t feel like you are having any significant progress. However, to become fluent you need to use English regularly says, Ms Goel.

An ideal way to break up the routine is to inject some separate activities and fun ways to learn English. And if you are travelling or on a holiday break, do not let that deter you! Here are a few fun ways to learn English shared by Ms Sonu Goel, Founder and Director of Café Converse, Delhi’s Top Institute for Learning Spoken English.

Join an English Language Book Club

Several large cities will probably already have a book club established that you may join, but, if necessary, just begin your own.

There is a multitude of advantages to being a member. Firstly, you have a group of people to hold you responsible for reading a piece of literature that you may put off doing on your own. Knowing that in a few days’ time you’ll be with a group of people asking you questions regarding what you’ve read provides brilliant motivation. Also, the meetings are a good place to meet new people and other members can assist you with words and contexts that you do not understand.

Find a Conversation Partner     

One of the simplest ways to do this is by hanging out where the backpackers are. Many cities or towns will have at least one hostel and usually, these hostels have a bar or communal gathering area. Go there and simply start talking to anyone you see.

Start with ‘How long have you been in ‘X City’? Backpackers love meeting new people and most have all the time in the world to chat. It is guaranteed that this one sentence will immediately open up a conversation. You’ll become their best ally once they find out that you are a local who can provide them with some inside tips on the best places in town to eat, drink and visit. This is a simple way to practice both your speaking and listening skills.

Play a Game

Meet some friends at a local coffee shop for a game of Scrabble, Articulate or Pictionary. These classic Western board games are a good way to practice and enhance your English vocabulary and do something different with your friends too. There are plenty of other great games for learning English, so select a new one each week.

Write to a Pen Friend

Pen friends for pals may seem a bit of the 20th century, but it is one of the best ways to develop your written English and get to know another culture. PenPal World is an organization that offers a 21st-century forum where one can meet over 1,900,000 people from around the world. Simply, select an English-speaking country that interests you and here you go!

Host a Movie Night

Friends generally, love any excuse to get together. So, organize an English movie night with some of your other friends who are also, studying English. Order some takeaway, and let the movie roll.

The main benefit here is that all the things you hear are exactly how it is in reality. It is fast-paced, with realistic native accents, and a laid-back method to immerse yourself in the language. The best tip for how to learn English by watching movies is to begin watching movies that you’ve already watched before so that you can focus more on the language and less on following the plot. There are several good movies that one may opt for.

Sonu Goel leading English Coach Teacher IELTS coach

Ms Sonu Goel is a professionally acclaimed certified ESL trainer from the British Council having 15 years of strong background for teaching the English language in both online and physical classes. She is dedicated to teaching of English in an interactive and practical way, whereby learners feel enriched with knowledge and experience the language hands-on. She uses creative ideas and aids to let the learning happen as organically and efficiently as possible. Ms Goel has travelled to various European countries and experienced an array of cultures and linguistic skills for the English language.

To learn more about Sonu Goel please visit :

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