How Learning in English in Small Sized Classrooms is Beneficial?

Learning English can be a bit difficult for many, specifically, if it is not your first language. And it can be more difficult for those students when they have to sit a class of large pool of students. Then, good learning can also, become more of a hindrance for them. At Café Converse, a majority of the classes have an impressively low student-teacher ratio of 6:1. Small class sizes and added with an inspiring and highly qualified teaching faculty make sure that students get the complete most out of their English courses. Read the blog by Ms Sonu Goel, Founder, and Director of Café Converse, Delhi’s leading English Learning Institute that speaks about the benefits of small class size and why it’s an integral part of an efficient manner of learning.

Each Student Gets Attention

In a small-sized class, it is more difficult for students to hide, escape, or get left behind. Having fewer students means that each one of them gets the attention they need from their teacher. They are also encouraged to take part in discussions and driven to express their views.

Good Results

It has been seen that high school students in smaller classes have better grades and perform well on their university entrance exams.

Learning is Improved

Not only the students learn more in small classes, but they also learn quickly. And this means the class moves ahead through the course material more quickly. Their learning is bolstered by the confidence that students develop. They are encouraged to communicate in English, share their views and ask and answer questions, which also benefits their peers.

Teachers can Teach more Efficiently

Teachers at the front of a small-sized class have better opportunities to observe and assess the class as a unit and the students as individuals. Learning is further improved when teachers and students can interact spontaneously in the classroom.

Classrooms become a community

With fewer students in each class, individuals can connect better with their peers and become more confident and comfortable when it comes to communicating, sharing their ideas and perspectives. These connections further lead to a better understanding and lasting friendships.

More Opportunities for Participation

Small groups mean fewer interruptions, which means each student will have more chances to speak up in their class. They can apply the knowledge they have gained as they participate in discussions.

Focus on Learning

In learning environments with a lesser number of students, teachers can have more time teaching the material and less time trying to regain the attention of those who are easily distracted. Teachers can also cater to every student’s different learning style and make sure that they stay engaged and understand what is being taught.

More Feedback

Teachers have extra time to give feedback to each student, making sure that each student is able to understand the learning concepts to the fullest and also, verify if any of the students need anything else that can improve their learning.

Special One Teacher One Student English Langauge Course at Cafe Converse

This course is specifically designed for professionals who want to improve and strengthen their English Fluency, improve their English Language Accents and want to Speak the English language confidently while sounding amazing in their professional environment and in the social cycle.

Café Converse’s one student and one language teacher (coach) online classroom course is designed for people – Who want to learn and strengthen their English language skills in a short period of time. Here the language coach (expert) customized the English syllabus as per each student’s need while evaluating individual strengths and weaknesses in the English language. For more details please call us at +91 98100 76785

Sonu Goel leading English Coach Teacher IELTS coach

Ms Sonu Goel is a professionally acclaimed certified ESL trainer from the British Council having 15 years of strong background for teaching the English language in both online and physical classes. She is dedicated to teaching of English in an interactive and practical way, whereby learners feel enriched with knowledge and experience the language hands-on. She uses creative ideas and aids to let the learning happen as organically and efficiently as possible. Ms Goel has travelled to various European countries and experienced an array of cultures and linguistic skills for the English language.

To learn more about Sonu Goel please visit :

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