Tips to Become a Good Content Writer

Make a Career Out of It if English is Your Second Language

English content writing jobs these days are not just in demand but have also become a lucrative career option to pursue. You go to any industry one thing you will find in common is content writing. As good and presentable content helps spread awareness about the brand is perhaps the biggest way these days than visual graphic content.

The reason is simple because nowadays consumer is more aware and they prefer the get in-depth details about a specific product or a company. And that detail can only be conveyed through good content.

This blog by Ms. Sonu Goel, Founder and Director of Café Converse, Delhi’s leading English Language Learning Institute talks about how you can become a good content writer if English is your second language and makes a career out of it.

Read as Much as You Can

Several great writers simply love to read. By reading in English as much as one can, he/she will become more familiar with sentence structure, and formation, while getting to know commonly used metaphors and broaden the vocabulary. Put simply, the more one reads, the more one will learn about the English language.

Tips: Read all sorts of writing not simply textbooks. Fiction-based books, biographies, magazines, and other articles will assist you a lot and help improve your English. Thus, make the most of it.

Do Not Allow One Word to Slow Down Your Draft

Do not be a perfectionist when you are writing your first draft. This advice is applicable to all people and all forms of writing. If you are not sure which English word to use, simply write the closest word in your native language and continue with the draft. Once you have ended your draft, go back through your work and interchange those words with their English equivalents.

Tips: It could be beneficial to highlight or underline any word you write in your native language. It will assist make certain you don’t forget to replace them later on.

Make it Simple

Good writing needs simplicity, clear and easy to read. Some people feel that using long, complex words and very formal language will make them sound more academic, but this is not the truth. Use terms to your field of study where appropriate, but keep the rest of your language simple. Long sentences make it hard for the reader to keep track of what you are saying.

Tips: Try to keep sentences below 25 words. When you are editing, always look out for the long sentences and look out for the possibilities if you can split them into two sentences.


As learning an instrument takes repeated practice, the same is the case with writing in English. The more you will practice the better your English writing will become. Whenever you get a chance go and take notes, write an e-mail or send a text chat as these will immensely bolster your chances of improving your English writing. Keep a diary, write a small paragraph each day. This will only add to your practice.

Tips: If you have a relative or a friend who is good at English. Ask them if they can exchange notes or letters in English.

Added Tips: If you are following the above-mentioned tips then there are few more things that can assist you in your attempt to become a good English Content writer. Go for tools and apps that are available online. There are several tools and apps that help you while writing. Simply try to install them and see how the punctuations and the overall vocabulary have been used.

Sonu Goel leading English Coach Teacher IELTS coach

Ms Sonu Goel is a professionally acclaimed certified ESL trainer from the British Council having 15 years of strong background for teaching the English language in both online and physical classes. She is dedicated to teaching of English in an interactive and practical way, whereby learners feel enriched with knowledge and experience the language hands-on. She uses creative ideas and aids to let the learning happen as organically and efficiently as possible. Ms Goel has travelled to various European countries and experienced an array of cultures and linguistic skills for the English language.

To learn more about Sonu Goel please visit :

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