Use These Tips to Improve Your English Spelling

Cafe Converse, Delhi’s leading institute for learning spoken English shares tips to Improve English Spellings

You must have noticed that several people write good English but are not fluent while speaking. The other ways happen too, there are many who are fluent speakers when they communicate in English verbally, but often lose out on scoring marks when they have to write in English.

The most common error that happens while writing English is spelling errors. They usually happen because many people get confused between written English and spoken English. As you know there are several words that sound different but when you write them, they seem different.

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This issue of improving your English spelling is being addressed by Cafe Converse, Delhi’s most preferred institute for learning English, in this blog.

Here are some of the methods to implement first.

Using dictionary

The good old method of checking your spelling is through the use of an English dictionary.

Looking up words in dictionaries will also let you know the source of words and provide you with an interesting anecdote of usage, as well as give alternative words you may use.  For some people, this could be fun.

Words in a dictionary are listed in alphabetical order. Once you have searched the first letter of the word you are looking up, you could then start to look for words starting with the first and second letter and so on. If you are really uncertain you might have to try several alternatives until you get the right spelling.

If working on a computer, use spell-check

If you word-process your work, then you might use the built-in spell-check feature.

This could either be set to check as you type and immediately mark spelling errors or repeated words with a red wavy underline, or you can check through post typing and amend as necessary.

Please note that always make sure your spell-check tool is set as per the local language and regional variations. Do not mix UK and US English together while writing or typing. Also, you can see the grammar error through a green wavy line beneath the words or sentences.

Since you have seen the methods now take a look at the tips to improve your English spelling.

Keep a list of correct spelling words that you usually misspell

Either pin your word list up by your desk or keep it as a document on your phone or computer, where you can easily refer to it. You can then cross-check it when you are required to do so and add to it when you identify new words that you have wrongly written.

For example, using affect/effect.

Use mnemonics for words that you feel are specifically hard

There are several common mnemonics (memory supports) in use for difficult words. For instance, to help them remember the spelling of necessary, several people say ‘never eat crab, eat salmon sandwiches and remain young’.

You could either use other people’s mnemonics or make up your own for specific words that you find troublesome.

Create a habit of using a dictionary daily

Whenever you see a word that you are not aware of or where you are uncertain of the spelling, get into the habit of checking it using a dictionary. That will assist you to fix both the meaning and the spelling in your mind.

You are also possible to spot one or two other interesting words while you are there and grow your vocabulary at the same moment. If you create the habit of using a dictionary daily, you will find that your spelling will improve easily.

 BY taking the help of technology

If there are specific words that you always spell wrongly, specifically when you type, set up the auto-correct feature on your computer to correct them for you (if you cannot find it, search the Help feature). This lets you input the text that you type, and the right text so that you can automatically set it to change (say) right to the rite, as you type.

To be honest, there is no shortcut to good spelling. It is learned through memorization and repetition.

However, everyone has specific words which they have a tendency to spell wrongly.  If you become aware of your own tendencies and are ready to question yourself and your knowledge, you are most likely to be able to enhance your spelling relatively faster.

Happy Learning !!

Sonu Goel leading English Coach Teacher IELTS coach

Ms Sonu Goel is a professionally acclaimed certified ESL trainer from the British Council having 15 years of strong background for teaching the English language in both online and physical classes. She is dedicated to teaching of English in an interactive and practical way, whereby learners feel enriched with knowledge and experience the language hands-on. She uses creative ideas and aids to let the learning happen as organically and efficiently as possible. Ms Goel has travelled to various European countries and experienced an array of cultures and linguistic skills for the English language.

To learn more about Sonu Goel please visit :

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